Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition News 10.3.2023
Documentaries and Movies on Nicaragua; Recording of Nicaragua Community Policing webinar
Video of Nicaragua Webinar: The Nicaraguan Community Policing Model. How do the Nicaraguan police sustain one of the lowest crime rates, and highest levels of citizen trust, in all of Latin America? What special programs and approaches are used to protect women from violence? What were the experiences and activities of the police during the 2018 coup attempt?Commissioner General Jaime Vanegas Vega, Inspector General of the National Police;Commissioner General Martha Ligia Solórzano, Chief of the Boaco Police Delegation, Department of Boaco
Documentaries and Films on Nicaragua
1. Before 1979
Walker (1987) hybrid/weird western film based on William Walker, the American filibuster who invaded and made himself president of Nicaragua.
Sandino (1990) by Miguel Littín
Patria Libre o Morir (1978) Spanish
2. 1980s
From the Ashes: Nicaragua Today (1982) by Helena Solberg (not available even to buy or rent)
John Pilger: Nicaragua: A Nation’s Right to Survive (1983)
Back from Nicaragua (1984) A 1984 film by Julio Emilio Moliné featuring Joan Baez, Pete Seeger, and Holly Near.
Ejercito Popular Sandinista (1980s) 9 min Spanish
Destination Nicaragua (1986)
American Sandinista (Ben Linder)
Que viva Mauricio Demierre/Y también la revolucion A 2006 documentary by Stéphane Goël about a Swiss cooperant who was murdered by the contras during the revolution.
Fire from the Mountain (1990) Spanish
Pictures from a Revolution (1991)
Nicaragua el sueño de una generación (2012) Spanish. Argentinian internationalists recount their work in the 1980s revolution.
3. During Neoliberal Period
Popular Revolution in Shreds as Ortega Expands Power in Nicaragua (1996) by the producer of No Pasaran.
Los 16 años Que Nos Robaron Spanish
4. 2007 – Today
Visit of Hugo Chavez to Nicaragua (2007) Spanish
Tierra Nuestra (2009) Fundacion Luciernaga Spanish
Nicaragua Against Empire (2021)
Nicaragua: The April Crisis and Beyond (2020) Dan Kovalik
Inside Nicaragua’s Sandinista revolution (Ben Norton) (2022)
Nicaragua (2023) Press TV
5. Movies
Last Plane Out 1983 film about the last days of Somoza’s rule.
Carla’s Song A film about the Sandinistas–Contras conflict. (Fictional, but highly political) Ken Loach Director. On Fandor
Kill the Messenger (2014) by Michael Cuesta about Gary Webb and his expose of the CIA-Contra-Cocaine connection, which led to his death
September 23 – November 18: virtual course, Ben Linder Solidarity School, 9 week class (two hours a week) Topics include: Nicaragua and the Sandinista Revolution; History and current context of Latin America and US imperialism; ATC and peasant organizations / social movements; Food Sovereignty and Agroecology; Solidarity and Internationalism.
October 21-22: (Madrid) Encuentro Sandinista de Solidaridad con Nicaragua Organizations from different parts of the Spanish state in the Sandinista Meeting of Solidarity with Nicaragua.
October 22 at 3pm Eastern: Next Nicaragua Webinar will focus on the church in Nicaragua. Confirmed speakers are Becca Renk and Jim Phillips. Mark your calendars now! More information coming soon with Zoom link.
January 27, 2024: Latin America conference in London 18th annual conference in solidarity with Latin American progressive movements.
Upcoming Delegations to Nicaragua
Casa Ben Linder delegations January 6-14, January 20-February 1, and February 10-19; Advances & Autonomy Brigade: Rights of Indigenous & Afrodescendant Peoples on Nicaragua’s Caribbean Coast
Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition: Our monthly zoom meetings: second Monday of the month (October 9), 2:30 PM ET
Email in advance to request Zoom access for the meeting, or to make other inquiries.
Organizations: Apply for coalition membership here This is an important way to increase the influence of our coalition work, as our membership list grows. join at
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Facebook: Friends of Sandinista Nicaragua, Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition
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Donate to Help Build the work of the Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition Any donation helps, but monthly contributions can expand our work to combat the constant disinformation against Nicaragua. Make sure to write “Nica Coalition” in the online donation space, or on the memo line of a check mailed to our fiscal sponsor, Casa Baltimore/Limay, PO Box 66053, Baltimore, MD 21239