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Weekly news briefs in English with featured guest article. Single best place to get news on Nicaragua! Sign up here or search the archive here.
Nicaragua: A History of U.S. Intervention & Resistance by Daniel Kovalik, 2023. Excellent introduction to Nicaragua which details the 2018 failed coup attempt right up to present day.
E-books free for download:
Nicaragua’s Indigenous Peoples – Neocolonial Lies, Autonomous Reality Detail on Nicaragua’s two autonomous regions and its communities of Indigenous Peoples.
Pueblos Indígenas de Nicaragua – Mentira Neocolonial, Realidad Autónoma Detalle de las dos regiones autonomas de Nicaragua y los Pueblos Originarios.
Live from Nicaragua: Uprising or Coup? Failed coup attempt of 2018 - historical context, detail of events and conclusions, 2018.
Dismissing the Truth: Why Amnesty International is Wrong about Nicaragua Rebuttal to AI’s report on the events of 2018 from the human rights perspective, 2018.
Nicaragua 2018: Uncensoring the Truth Testimonies of victims of opposition violence during the failed coup attempt of 2018.
The Revolution Won't be Stopped Nicaragua continues to be a “threat of a good example” that other countries will follow, 2019.
We host a monthly webinar series on Nicaragua covering a range of topics, you can watch all our past webinars here.