Welcome to Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition archive where you can find informative, well-researched articles from sources that respect Nicaragua’s sovereignty & affirm its achievements.
The Slow Death of Investigative Journalism, John Perry, Two Worlds, 12/22/19
NicaNotes: Sanctions Kill. Join AFGJ and Nicaraguan Farmers to Fight the Blockade of Venezuela
Chuck Kaufman, 12/18/19 https://afgj.org/sanctions-kill-join-afgj-and-nicaraguan-farmers-to-fight-the-blockade-of-venezuela
NicaNotes: Sandinista Party Keeps La Purísima More Alive Than Ever, Jorge Capelan, translated by Nan McCurdy, 12/11/19, https://afgj.org/nicanotes-sandinista-party-keeps-la-purisima-more-alive-than-ever
NicaNotes: Food Sovereignty Takes a Leap Forward, David Archuleta, 12/4/19 https://afgj.org/nicanotes-food-sovereignty-takes-a-leap-forward
NicaNotes: Nicaragua in 2019 Would Make Anyone Proud, Nan McCurdy, 11/27/19
Operation Condor2: After Bolivia Coup, Trump Dubs Nicaragua ‘national security threat’ and Targets Mexico, Ben Norton – The Grayzone, 11/27/19, https://thegrayzone.com/2019/11/27/operation-condor-2-coup-trump-nicaragua-mexico/
NicaNotes: Nicaraguan Opposition Praises Bolivian Coup, Chuck Kaufman, 11/20/19
NicaNotes: Bolivian Coup, Imperialist Inquisition, and Briefs, 11/13/19
NicaNotes: The Great Hypocrisy of Our Time, Jorge Capelan, translated by Nan McCurdy, 11/6/19
NicaNotes: ‘Human rights’ propaganda against Nicaragua out of Costa Rica, John Perry, 10/30/19
NicaNotes: Inside an Uprising “Made in the USA” Gabriela Luna, translated by Jill Clark-Gollub, 10/25/19
Differences between an Attempted Coup D’état and a Popular Civic Insurrection, Carlos Fonseca Teran, translated by Nan McCurdy, 10/16/19, https://afgj.org/differences-between-an-attempted-coup-detat-and-a-popular-civic-insurrection
NicaNotes: Nicaraguan President Considers Returning to the International Court of Justice, Nan McCurdy, 10/9/19, https://afgj.org/nicanotes-nicaraguan-president-considers-returning-to-the-international-court-of-justice
NicaNotes: Nicaragua’s Joys and Sorrow: the Coup that Failed, Kathryn Albrecht, 10/2/19
NicaNotes: What was the Catholic Church’s role in the coup? Conclusion, Coleen Littlejohn, 9//25/19
NicaNotes: What was the Catholic Church’s role in the coup? Coleen Littlejohn, 9/17/19
NicaNotes: Green-smearing – from Nicaragua to Bolivia, Stephen Sefton, 9/11/19
NicaNotes: The Sun Doesn’t Go Down ‘Even a Little Bit’, Jorge Capelan, translated by Nan McCurdy, 9/4/19, https://afgj.org/nicanotes-the-sun-doesnt-go-down-even-a-little-bit
Nicaragua beat US regime change, but sanctions and sabotage continue (video) Max Blumenthal, filmed on 7/19/19, published 9/3/19, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_-7cE5A78E
NicaNotes: Nicaragua’s Sandinista Revolution is still thriving, after 40 years, Max Blumenthal, 8/28/19, https://afgj.org/nicanotes-nicaraguas-sandinista-revolution-is-still-thriving-after-40-years,
Nicaragua – The Deep Neocolonial Lie, Stephen Sefton, 8/26/19 http://www.tortillaconsal.com/tortilla/node/7192?fbclid=IwAR3WgJjJXksM6H2tQOAsl9KruYhYoR3J3VVnkV0ceCFnO1Hl82pa421gQoU
NicaNotes: The rise and fall of Nicaragua’s ‘human rights’ organizations, John Perry, 8/21/19
We must develop a multipolar world': Interview with Nicaraguan President Ortega and VP Murillo (video), Max Blumenthal. Video made 7/23/19, published 8/17/19, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7BQ96XokLM
Nicaragua Does Not Denounce the Grand Canal, Jorge Capelan, translated by Nan McCurdy, 8/15/19 http://www.tortillaconsal.com/tortilla/node/7136
NicaNotes: A year after Nicaragua’s coup, the media’s regime change deceptions are still unravelling, John Perry, 8/14/19, https://afgj.org/nicanotes-a-year-after-nicaraguas-coup-the-medias-regime-change-deceptions-are-still-unravelling
NicaNotes: Nicaraguan ‘human rights’ director accused by staff of massive theft of US taxpayer money, death toll inflation, Nan McCurdy, 8/7/19, Reprinted from the Grayzone. https://afgj.org/nicanotes-nicaraguan-human-rights-director-accused-by-staff-of-massive-theft-of-us-taxpayer-money-death-toll-inflation, https://thegrayzone.com/author/nan-mccurdy/
NicaNotes: BOOK REVIEW: Live from Nicaragua: Uprising or Coup? A Reader, Roger Stoll, 7/31/19
Nicaraguan ‘human rights’ director accused by staff of massive theft of US taxpayer money, death toll inflation, Nan McCurdy, The Grayzone, 7/30/19 https://thegrayzone.com/2019/07/30/nicaraguan-human-rights-director-accused-by-staff-of-massive-theft-of-us-taxpayer-money-death-toll-inflation/
State Jobs Don’t Resolve Everything by Jorge Capelan, 7/29/19 http://www.tortillaconsal.com/tortilla/node/7023, in Spanish:
Nicanotes: A Gringo in the Plaza: 40 Years of Sandinista Struggle, David Archuleta, Jr, 7/24/19, https://afgj.org/nicanotes-a-gringo-in-the-plaza-40-years-of-sandinista-struggle
Nicaragua Celebrates Fortieth Anniversary of Revolution Against Somoza, Kathryn Hoyt, 7/20/19 Popular Resistance, https://popularresistance.org/nicaragua-celebrates-40th-anniversary-of-revolution-against-samoza/
NicaNotes: Happy Anniversary of the Day of Happiness, Nan McCurdy, 7/19/19. https://afgj.org/happy-anniversary-of-the-day-of-happiness
A Year after Nicaragua Coup Attempt, the Media’s Regime-Change Deceptions are Still Unraveling, John Perry, the Grayzone, 7/15/19 https://thegrayzone.com/2019/07/15/a-year-after-nicaraguas-coup-the-medias-regime-change-deceptions-are-still-unraveling/
Revolutions are Made by the People, by Jorge Capelan, translated by Nan McCurdy, 7/11/19
The Strategic Retreat from Managua to Masaya, Jorge Capelan, translated by Nan McCurdy, 7/10/19, https://afgj.org/nicanotes-the-strategic-retreat-from-managua-to-masaya, http://www.tortillaconsal.com/tortilla/node/6828
Incredible Demonstration of Sandinista Strength: Strategic Retreat 2019
By Jorge Capelan, translated by Nan McCurdy, 7/7/19 http://www.tortillaconsal.com/tortilla/node/6829
NicaNotes: While Weakening OAS Institutionality, US and Right-Wing Opposition Fail to Achieve Objectives, Chuck Kaufman, translation of original source material – Nan McCurdy, 7/3/19, https://afgj.org/while-weakening-oas-institutionality-us-and-right-wing-opposition-fails-to-achieve-objectives
NicaNotes: Live from Nicaragua – Our Continued Serialization, Brian Willson, 6/26/19. Find most recent PDF of Live from Nicaragua here:
CNN Doesn’t Tell the Story: Nicaragua Frees Prisoners, Builds Hospitals and Connects the Nation
By Jorge Capelan, translated by Nan McCurdy 6/20/19 http://www.tortillaconsal.com/tortilla/node/6725
NicaNotes: Remembering the Triumph over Somoza and Last Year’s Failed Coup, 6/19/19, Updated Version of the Reader: Nicaragua 2018: Uprising or Coup? http://www.tortillaconsal.com/live_from_nicaragua_june_2019.pdf
Peace Prevails in Nicaragua by Jorge Capelan, Translated by Nan McCurdy, 6/18/19
Nicaragua’s amnesty for crimes committed in last year’s violence fails to satisfy an implacable opposition, John Perry, 6/13/19 https://afgj.org/nicanotes-forgiveness-a-revolutionary-trait or https://twoworlds.me/latin-america/nicaraguas-amnesty-for-crimes-committed-in-last-years-violence-fails-to-satisfy-an-implacable-opposition/
Misreporting of Nicaragua, John Perry, 6/5/19 https://afgj.org/nicanotes-unreported-world-and-the-misreporting-of-nicaragua
NicaNotes: Nicaragua Government Makes Headway for Peace with no Help From the Opposition, Nan McCurdy, 5/29/19 https://afgj.org/nicanotes-nicaraguan-government-makes-headway-for-peace-with-no-help-from-the-opposition
NicaNotes: US Imperialism and Nicaragua: They Would Not Let Our Flower Blossom, Nils McCune and S Brian Wilson, 5/22/19 second part: https://mail.yahoo.com/d/folders/1/messages/AOweBohXOzcNXOWrqgfT6Mmg7pM?.intl=e1&.lang=es-US&.partner=none&.src=fp first part, 5/15/19: https://mail.yahoo.com/d/folders/1/messages/AHxJxJBfCm59XNx_bQtiENeys8Y?.intl=e1&.lang=es-US&.partner=none&.src=fp
NicaNotes: Doris Tijerino and Gladys Báez — “receiving together a recognition that honors and moves us” 5/8/19 https://mail.yahoo.com/d/folders/1/messages/AMPQRHdVfPW1XNMUaAgKmEmQRjo?.intl=e1&.lang=es-US&.partner=none&.src=fp
¿55 mil nicaragüenses huyeron hacia Costa Rica?, Jorge Capelan, 5/3/19, https://www.el19digital.com/articulos/ver/titulo:89782-55-mil-nicaraguenses-huyeron-hacia-costa-rica
Live from Nicaragua: Uprising or Coup, Introduction by Chuck Kaufman, afgj.org, 5/1/19 https://afgj.org/nicanotes-live-from-nicaragua-uprising-or-coup
Updated links to Live from Nicaragua: Uprising or Coup?: we have new links to updated versions of our book. Please use these and share them with your friends.
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– Once copied, disconnect the Kindle. ‘Live from Nicaragua’ should appear on its home page.
Refuting False Propaganda on Bishop Silvio Baez, letter from Nan McCurdy to Vatican Insider, 5/1/19 http://www.tortillaconsal.com/tortilla/node/6247
NicaNotes: Live from Nicaragua: Uprising or Coup, Prologue by Gabriela Luna, 4/29/19 https://afgj.org/nicanotes-live-from-nicaragua-uprising-or-coup
NicaNotes: Ten Reasons to Join Us in Nicaragua in July, Erika Takeo, 4/24/19 https://afgj.org/nicanotes-10-reasons-to-join-us-in-nicaragua-in-july
NicaNotes: Live from Nicaragua: Uprising or Coup, 4/20/19 https://popularresistance.org/nicanotes-live-from-nicaragua-uprising-or-coup/
Live from Nicaragua: Uprising or Coup, 4/18/19 on Internationalist 360 and Axisoflogic
NicaNotes: Nicaraguan President Addresses the Summit of Caribbean States on Climate Change, 4/10/19, https://afgj.org/nicanotes-nicaraguan-president-addresses-the-summit-of-caribbean-states-on-climate-change
NicaNotes: They don’t want to learn because they have too much hatred, Ramon Matus, translated by Nan McCurdy, radiolaprimerisima.com, 4/3/19, https://afgj.org/nicanotes-they-dont-want-to-learn-because-they-have-too-much-hatred
NicaNotes: Briefs, Delegations, and Webinars! Chuck Kaufman, 3/27/19, (about the dialogue), https://afgj.org/nicanotes-briefs-delegations-and-webinars
No to Trump’s Sanctions on Nicaragua, Ken Livingstone, 3/25/19 https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/f/no-trumps-sanctions-nicaragua
Nicaragua: Failed Opposition Rally Still Used for Propaganda, Chuck Kaufman AFGJ.org, 3/22/19 https://popularresistance.org/nicaragua-failed-opposition-rally-still-used-for-propaganda/
NicaNotes: Zoilamérica And the Legitimate Demands Of Nicaraguan Women, Jill Clark, 3/13/19, https://afgj.org/nicanotes-zoilamerica-and-the-legitimate-demands-of-nicaraguan-women
Torture and Nicaragua’s Fascist Opposition, 3/9/19, These eleven videos are a reminder of how Nicaragua's fascist opposition made systematic use of torture to terrorize people in Nicaragua during their failed coup attempt between April and July 2018. Whereas SOS Nicaragua and other supporters of Nicaragua's right wing have to fabricate material falsely accusing the Nicaraguan authorities of torture, the material in all these videos is from the Nicaraguan opposition's own social media posted during the period of the 2018 failed coup attempt. http://www.tortillaconsal.com/tortilla/node/5889
NicaNotes: Carlos Fernando Chamorro and Confidencial, Louise Richards, 3/6/19,
Dismissing the Truth Debunks Amnesty International’s Misleading Reports, 2/27/19, As PDF https://afgj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Dismissing-the-Truth-with-links.pdf https://afgj.org/nicanotes-dismissing-the-truth-debunks-amnesty-internationals-misleading-reports?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=270c12cc-75d6-432c-a3eb-ecc66f4096a6
Blistering New Report Skewers Amnesty International Over its Claims about Nicaragua by Joe Emersberger 2/26/19 https://www.thecanary.co/global/world-analysis/2019/02/26/blistering-new-report-skewers-amnesty-international-over-its-claims-about-nicaragua/
Solidarity Group Slams Amnesty for ‘Highly Biased’ Coverage of Nicaragua, by Morningstar Staff, 2/26/19 https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/solidarity-group-slams-amnesty-%E2%80%98highly-biased%E2%80%99-coverage-nicaragua
Report on Number of Dead in Coup Attempt by the Truth, Justice and Peace Commission, Feb. 2019, https://www.cvjp.org.ni/
Amnesty Turns Truth on its Head in Nicaragua, Louise Richards, 2/26/19 https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/amnesty-turns-truth-its-head-nicaragua
NicaNotes: Fresh Eyes on Nicaragua: A Renewed Sense of Internationalism, David Archuleta, 2/20/19, https://afgj.org/fresh-eyes-on-nicaragua-a-renewed-sense-of-internationalism
NicaNotes: Learning the Lessons of Empire and Solidarity: No Contras in Venezuela! Josh Bergeron, 2/13/19, https://afgj.org/nicanotes-learning-the-lessons-of-empire-and-solidarity-no-contras-in-venezuela
NicaNotes: Street Sellers, Trade Unionists, Contributors to Nicaragua’s Wealth! Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign, UK, 2/6/19, https://afgj.org/nicanotes-street-sellerstrade-unionistscontributors-to-nicaraguas-wealth
NicaNotes: Nicaraguan Government Works to Maintain Economic Stability, Nan McCurdy, 1/30/19, https://afgj.org/nicanotes-nicaraguan-government-works-to-maintain-economic-stability
Life under the dictatorship vs. Life under Sandinismo, Emerita Vega, translated by Susan Lagos, 1/23/19, https://afgj.org/life-under-the-dictatorship-vs-life-under-sandinismo
Another Defeat for Imperialist Feminism in Nicaragua by Nora McCurdy and Stephen Sefton 1/22/19
NicaNotes: Exclusive interview with Nicaraguan Foreign Minister, Alex Anfruns, 1/15/19, https://afgj.org/nicanotes-exclusive-interview-with-nicaraguan-foreign-minister
NicaNotes: Luis Almagro calls for foreign intervention in Nicaragua (again), Wales-Nicaragua, a Sister City Organization, 1/8/19, https://afgj.org/nicanotes-luis-almagro-calls-for-foreign-intervention-in-nicaragua-again
Human Rights have Been Co-opted to Serve Regime Change in Nicaragua and Other Countries by Stephen Sefton 1/5/19 https://popularresistance.org/human-rights-has-been-co-opted-to-serve-regime-change-in-nicaragua-and-other-countries/