Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition 10.17.2023
Many events this week and next; Nicaragua government statement re: Gaza hospital attack
Virtual Course & Film Festival, Register here:
The Rights of Indigenous and Afrodescendant Peoples on Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast
October 19 – November 9, 2023
Session 1: International Solidarity
Thursday, October 19 / 7pm Eastern / 5pm Central America / 4pm Pacific
Erica Caines, Black Alliance for Peace, Baltimore Organizer/Haiti Americas Team
Soledad Ortiz, Comité de Defensa de la Mujer, México
Johnny Hodgson, Representative to the National Assembly for the South Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region of Nicaragua
Carlos Alemán, President of Regional Autonomous Council of the North Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region of Nicaragua
Sunday, October 22 Nicaragua Webinar, register here:
Becca Renk, community development worker in Ciudad Sandino, Nicaragua, for over 20 years, who has written several articles on the church in Nicaragua;
Dr. James J. Phillips, former Jesuit, author of books and articles on Honduras and Nicaragua, who lived in Nicaragua for several years and maintains ties there.
Take Action Against Sanctions on Nicaragua
ONGOING: Please contact your Senators and members of Congress to tell them to vote NO on S.1881, which would impose more sanctions on Nicaragua!
Thursday, October 26: If you are interested and willing to join a lobbying group or to coordinate a group lobby meeting, please send your email right away to Cindy Farquhar at Also please register for this Advocacy Day against sanctions across the Americas. Learn more, get the lobbying toolkit here: America Without Sanctions.
Statement from the Nicaraguan Government re: Bombing of Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza
NO TO WAR, YES TO JUSTICE AND PEACE! – Revista Nicaragua Sandino
We, the Government of Reconciliation and National Unity, the families and the Nicaraguan people, strongly condemn, with deep pain and heartfelt solidarity, the attack against the Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza, which caused more deaths than those already generated in this cruel and bloody war, this time taking the valuable lives of more than 700 people, most of them children.
This crime against humanity not only deserves to be repudiated, but denounced and condemned as another example of the results of hatred, exclusion and denial of all rights and the most basic sense of humanity.
May those responsible for such barbarism answer to the world and the human family for their crimes.
The international community is called to act, as soon as possible; to demand solutions in law and justice, to stop this senseless spiral of violence that is already genocide. The causes are clear. The peoples of the world demand an end to savagery, brutality and the denial of all intelligence and sensitivity.
Inconceivable crimes such as these cannot be forgiven by God!
Our prayers with the innocent people and families who suffer so much. Our love and respect to each one. This war tears us all apart. No more war. No more pain. Yes to justice and peace!
Managua, October 17, 2023
Other Resources
Hoyt, Katherine and McCurdy, Nan. “Spectacular Advances in Health in 2023.” NicaNotes,12 October 2023. This article covers many of the health advances in Nicaragua in 2023.
Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign Action Group (NSCAG), October Update. Download in pdf format here:
Casa de la Soberanía Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann, The Week in Focus in English, News bulletin No.63 with highlights of the week, October 9 – 13.
Other Events
September 23 – November 18: virtual course, Ben Linder Solidarity School, 9 week class (two hours a week) Topics include: Nicaragua and the Sandinista Revolution; History and current context of Latin America and US imperialism; ATC and peasant organizations / social movements; Food Sovereignty and Agroecology; Solidarity and Internationalism.
October 21-22: (Madrid) Encuentro Sandinista de Solidaridad con Nicaragua Organizations from different parts of the Spanish state in the Sandinista Meeting of Solidarity with Nicaragua.
January 27, 2024: Latin America conference in London 18th annual conference in solidarity with Latin American progressive movements.
Upcoming Delegations to Nicaragua
Casa Ben Linder delegations: January 6-14, January 20-February 1, and February 10-19;
January 6-14 Power and Protagonism: Women in Nicaragua: Openings still available!
January 20-February 1 Advances & Autonomy Brigade: Rights of Indigenous & Afrodescendant Peoples on Nicaragua’s Caribbean Coast
Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition:
Our monthly zoom meetings: second Monday of the month (November 13), 2:30 PM ET.
Email us in advance to request Zoom access for the meeting, or to make other inquiries.
Organizations: Apply for coalition membership here This is an important way to increase
the influence of our coalition work, as our membership list grows.
Listserve: join at
Sign up to receive the weekly Nica Notes:
Facebook: Friends of Sandinista Nicaragua, Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition
Twitter: @SolidarityNica
Instagram: @NicaSolidarity