12.17.2024: Sanctions webinar; Daniel Ortega Speeches; Uhuru 3 Victory

Webinar video: International Human Rights Day – the Crime of Sanctions  with Deputy Chief of Cuban Mission Alejandro García del Toro, Ambassador Lianys Torres Rivera; Nicaragua Ambassador Lautaro Sandino; Carlos Ron, Venezuela Deputy Foreign Minister.

Hands off Uhuru: Not one day in prison! No fine in Uhuru 3 sentencing victory! This victory was a victory for all of our organizations which defend other nations’ sovereignty against US interference, for all those who value the First Amendment. And historically, when the US government goes after a Black militant, they always get him or her, by prison, assassination, political destruction, or make them flee. This one time it was a complete failure. Uhuru!

Daniel Ortega Speaks on China and His Own Revolutionary Awakening Coming out of a War of Liberation that allowed us to overthrow the Somoza tyranny and the Yankee domination over Nicaragua, President Reagan immediately came and approved funds to arm the Counterrevolution so that we would kill each other here, Brother against Brother. He did not approve funds for Peace, he did not approve funds to build the Roads that were so badly needed, not only on the Caribbean Coast, because also all the very many roads which were needed in this Pacific Region, how many bridges were needed, the streets of the cities, the streets of Managua were destroyed.

And we thank President Xi Jinping, and we thank the People of the People's Republic of China, who also have great challenges and are fighting great Battles for the Well-being of the Peoples of the World, fighting great Battles against those who want war, who promote war, and who are waging war. Fighting battles for peace! They don't set out to promote wars, they don't set out to snatch away wealth, they don't set out to appropriate land, to the contrary, they set out to promote Development for the Peoples of Africa, of Asia, of Latin America.

for me Christ was someone really extraordinary, because he was there visiting the poor, helping the poor, healing the poor. Christ did not walk around in fine clothes, Christ did not ask to have a palace built for him like the one in the Vatican. Christ never asked for a palace, he was born in a humble ranch and lived in the houses of the townspeople. That was when my Revolutionary Feeling was born, it was not because I had read or known other revolutionary experiences, but because of what Christ meant, and that led me to fight and then commit myself to the Struggle of Sandino, and to commit myself to the Struggle of the Sandinista Front. 

 Speech by President Daniel Ortega at the ALBA-TCP Summit I remember the day… when they came to tell me that Fidel wanted to introduce me to Chávez, and so we went to the Bolívar Square and there we embraced…I was even more amazed when I heard Chávez's Words, Chávez's Message. It was the Voice of Bolívar speaking through the Voice of Chávez. It was the Soul of Bolívar in the Soul of Chávez….I am a Revolutionary from getting to know the Life of Christ, among the poor, fighting for the poor, the way he was crucified, for me he became a Hero, and for me he became the Revolutionary par Excellence… Chávez so very much carried Christ in him, and when Chávez and Fidel met, it was as if, with our Peoples losing their life's blood, impoverished, without hope for anything better, it was as if Christ had told them: Rise up and walk! And let the Peoples of our Latin America and the Caribbean rise up and walk! In the midst of a World where the Imperialists of the Earth continue to murder our Peoples, ALBA with the Flag of Fidel and Chávez, ALBA with the Soul of Fidel and Chávez, we say: We will not fail you, and We will continue giving Battle!

Nicaragua: 96.6 percent of youngsters say Government gives them hope This, according to a polling released December 11 by  M&R Consultores. The survey showed that 82.8% of the youngsters interviewed approve the Government’s performance, while 78.7% of teenagers consider so. Likewise, same group (77%) approved the work done by Vice President Rosario Murillo, while 4.5% disapproved. Among those polled, 85% of each group are satisfied with Nicaraguan democracy.

If you haven’t, please sign Sanctions Kill Petition Against Sanctions  from Jill Clark-Gollub: “This petition is aimed at the incoming Congress and stresses how these coercive measures force people to migrate.



January 13: Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition monthly zoom meeting, 2:30 PM ET.  Email NicaraguaSolidarityCoalition@gmail.com in advance to request Zoom access.

January 28-31: Havana, Cuba: VI International Conference For World Balance This conference cultivates partnerships and formulates actionable strategies to propel us towards a more equitable and just global community. Organized by the Office of the Martí Program and co-sponsored by UNESCO and Soka Gakkai International.

February 8, London: Latin America Conference This will be the 19th annual Latin America Adelante! Conference.


Casa Ben Linder 2025 Delegations to Nicaragua

Email casabenjaminlinder@gmail.com to apply:

20 February – 1 March 2025: The Bird Brigade: Birding in Solentiname Arquipelago

6-16 March 2025: Power & Protagonism: Women in Nicaragua

June 2025: Global Health: Family and Community Health in Nicaragua

July 2025: Solidarity in Action: Nicaragua’s Popular Revolution

November 2025: Salud & Solidaridad: Hands-On Healthcare in Nicaragua

Date TBD 2025: Co-ops and Communities: Cooperative Movement in Nicaragua


Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition: nicasolidarity.com 

Sign up to receive the Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition bi-weekly newsletter; action alerts, event notifications:  bit.ly/NicaSubs

Listserve: nicanet@googlegroups.com join at groups.google.com/g/nicanet

Sign up to receive the weekly Nica Notes: https://afgj.org/signup

Facebook: Friends of Sandinista Nicaragua, Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition

Twitter: @SolidarityNica

Instagram: @NicaSolidarity





Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition

The Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition is an international coalition of organizations and individuals in solidarity with Nicaragua, supporting its sovereignty and affirming its achievements. We are not affiliated with any governmental entity of any nation. We provide accurate, verifiable information and other resources about Nicaragua, and we work to counter misinformation about the country disseminated by the media, public events, and other sources. We share information from a variety of sources, including our personal experiences, in light of Nicaraguan history and current conditions. We publicize activities organized by our members, including international delegations to Nicaragua and webinars with knowledgeable speakers from inside and outside the country. We welcome others to join us.


Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition 1.7.2025: “Human Rights” Industry vs Nicaragua Reality


12.3.2024: Human Rights Day Protest against US Sanctions on Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua; Nicaragua’s Constitutional Reforms