Sept 10, 2024: Daniel Ortega Speech; Our latest letter to UN Human Rights Council


Daniel Ortega Speech September 2:  45th Anniversary of the Founding of the Nicaraguan Army "We can never forget, we can never forget the blood spilled throughout history. We cannot forget the Heroes and Martyrs" Peace meaning well-being for the poorest. In Peace we can fight poverty. In Peace we can ensure Education for all Families, for the Children of Working-class Families, Rural Families, Poor Families. Never in the history of our country has it been possible to bring education to so many Families, for free.  [in 1979] out of every 100 Nicaraguans, only 40 could read or write; the other 60% were slave labor, for the capitalists, for the landowners, for the exploiters serving the Imperialists. We have a Health System that is truly extraordinary, a Health System where Hospitals have been multiplying even in the most remote areas. Where there had never even been a Health Post, Hospitals are now being inaugurated, and Hospitals are being built in the Caribbean Coast and in other Regions of our Country…But well, we have had difficult moments, yes, even though we had managed to recover Peace, and the Country had been growing in its economy, increasing wages, multiplying employment, but only because we are a Dignified People and we do not kneel before the Imperialists of the Earth. Before Christ, before God, we do kneel. [Then followed by a review of the 2018 attempted coup, aid from China.]

In our Latin America we are facing an onslaught by the North American Empire, wanting to overthrow governments, simply because they do not submit to them, and we see how they have acted and continue to act against the Sister Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. They simply say that they do not recognize the person the Venezuelan Electoral System and the Venezuelan Judiciary have already defined as the winner of those Elections, and they insist on saying that the winner is another person, because he has some papers claiming to prove that he has the votes.

I want to tell the People of Honduras, President Xiomara, that we are with them, that we are in Solidarity with the Honduran People, we are in Solidarity both with the Honduran People and we are in solidarity with Xiomara's government, and it is clear there that they want to destroy that Government, and they want to smear the Honduran Army…the production of drugs occurs because there is a market in the United States. If there were no market, those who produce drugs would simply stop producing them.

Nicaragua Defends Sputnik and RT after US imposes Sanctions: Statement by Nicaragua Vice President Rosario Murillo The attacks that they [US] are now once again directing against the Media of the Russian Federation, with a large audience and international impact because they tell the True Truths, and the tragedies and misfortunes inflicted by the Imperialists of the Earth, reveal them once again as theorists and practitioners of persecution to silence the realities that they do not admit, and to impose their petty fallacies, insulting to everyone, everywhere in the World.

Nicaragua Ambassador to US and Canada Lautaro Sandino Speaks on NATO expansion and hybrid warfare He speaks at the 6th International Conference of the World Anti-Imperialist Platform in Washington, DC.

Workers World: Report from Nicaragua: Solidarity with the Sandinista Revolution During those nine glorious days our delegation traveled throughout Nicaragua, visiting various community development projects, museums and monuments. We attended a series of meetings with cadres of various organizations, such as labor unions and mass organizations. I was utterly amazed by the high political consciousness of the Nicaraguan masses…Nicaraguans know that they are the heirs of this centuries-old struggle, and just as their ancestors won, they will continue to struggle against U.S. imperialism and achieve the goal of building revolutionary Nicaragua.

Going to visit Nicaragua on this delegation was a life-changing experience. It was very important, because it allowed me to see through a lot of the imperialist propaganda that targets the Sandinista Revolution and the presidency of Daniel Ortega. Where I was supposed to find a dictatorship, I found a society in which the people are the leaders, where the popular masses are in struggle against imperialism and are building their nation. That is why the United States continues to wage war against Nicaragua — because they are afraid of the power of the masses.


Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition Statement & Letter: UN Human Rights Council Lends Support to US Regime Change Plans for Nicaragua The report of the Group of Human Rights Experts on Nicaragua (GHREN), released by the United Nations Human Rights Council on February 28, 2024, is methodologically flawed, biased and should never have been published. This is the second report by the GHREN. The first, published in March 2023, was condemned in a letter signed by many prominent human rights experts and by 119 organizations and 573 individuals. This letter was totally ignored. The Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition submitted detailed evidence to the GHREN on the errors and omissions in their first report. These submissions received no response, nor are they acknowledged in the new report. Clearly, the GHREN takes into account only evidence that is supplied by opponents of Nicaragua’s government.


Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition Statement in Solidarity with the People of Venezuela

Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition signs on to Take Cuba off the list of sponsors of terrorism!


Events and Delegations

September 19: Wisconsin-Nicaragua Partners of the Americas End of Summer Gathering at the warehouse Newsletter with notice of in-person group event in Stevens Point, packing donations and sharing updates & activities

September 23: ¡Viva la Solidaridad! Stand with Latin America's Left In-person public event in Liverpool, UK, with guests from Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Bolivia & across Latin America


Casa Ben Linder 2024 delegations to Nicaragua:

Email to apply:

November 8-17 2024: Salud & Solidaridad: Hands-On Healthcare in Nicaragua 

February 2025: The Bird Brigade: Birding in Solentiname Archipelago

March 2025: Power & Protagonism: Women in Nicaragua



Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition: 

Sign up to receive the Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition bi-weekly newsletter; email

Our monthly zoom meetings: second Monday of the month (next: October 14) 2:30 PM ET.  Email in advance to request Zoom access for the meeting, or to make other inquiries.

Organizations:  Apply for coalition membership here This is an important way to increase the influence of our coalition work, as our membership list grows.


Listserve: join at

Sign up to receive the weekly Nica Notes:

Facebook: Friends of Sandinista Nicaragua, Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition

Twitter: @SolidarityNica

Instagram: @NicaSolidarity




Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition

The Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition is an international coalition of organizations and individuals in solidarity with Nicaragua, supporting its sovereignty and affirming its achievements. We are not affiliated with any governmental entity of any nation. We provide accurate, verifiable information and other resources about Nicaragua, and we work to counter misinformation about the country disseminated by the media, public events, and other sources. We share information from a variety of sources, including our personal experiences, in light of Nicaraguan history and current conditions. We publicize activities organized by our members, including international delegations to Nicaragua and webinars with knowledgeable speakers from inside and outside the country. We welcome others to join us.


Joint Statement by organizations in the Americas, Europe and beyond on the actions by the UN Human Rights Council against Nicaragua and the Nicaraguan people


Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition Statement in Solidarity with the People of Venezuela